MEMBERSHIPTo qualify for membership, you should have a university degree within Chemistry, Dermatology, Pharmacy, Engineering, Medicine or Biology, or at least three years of industrial experience within the field of Cosmetic chemistry. The annual membership fee is 350 SEK - to be paid by bank transfer. The details and instructions on how to apply can be found via the link below. The membership year runs from 1st January - 31st December. Download the membership application and follow the instructions. Benefits of the membershipMembers are offered a reduction of the annual conference fee. The SCANCOS membership also opens the access to the SCANCOS website’s closed part which contains deeper information of the industry and presentations from past conferences. All SCANCOS members are welcome to the annual members meeting which makes decisions on the next board composition and other important issues that concern SCANCOS. Since all members of SCANCOS are automatically members of the IFSCC, these benefits are also included: